Pint Size Science

STEM in Action

STEAM Bins Featuring STEM in Action kits, Pint Sized Science and Supercharged Science

Patrons needing extra science, technology, engineering, art or math curriculum or activities are allowed to check out one STEAM Bin for four weeks.  Each Bin has a cohesive theme with books, activities, video links, and more to accompany that theme.

Bins can also be customized for the age group using the materials (for example, a third grade class will need different materials than a preschool class).

Bins are initially designed with a classroom in mind-- public school, homeschool, preschool, adult programs, daycare, etc, but can be used in other situations as well.  There are some extra policies to protect the materials in the Bins, so talk with a Librarian about reserving and checking out a Bin for your students!