Chariton Free Public Library Personnel Policy

(Approved August 11, 2022)

The Chariton Free Public Library adopts the City of Chariton Employee Handbook (2022) (attached) and relevant policies thereto, with the additional Library Department policies below.


City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Department Policies

Each Department of the City of Chariton, with the approval of the City Council or as provided by the Code of Iowa, will establish specific internal operational policies.


Employee Designations & Pay

City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Employees

“Full-Time Employees” are those not assigned to part-time or temporary statuses, who work a minimum of seventy (70) hours during a two (2) week pay period. Full-time employees work throughout the year and not on a seasonal basis. Full-time employees are eligible for the City’s benefit package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit program.   “Full-time regular employee” means an employee hired to work City of Chariton’s normal fulltime (40) hour workweek on a regular basis. Such employees may be exempt or nonexempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). “Exempt employee” means an employee who is not required to receive overtime in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) for work performed beyond forty (40) hours in a workweek.

“Part-Time Employees” are those not assigned to full-time or temporary statuses, who constantly work less than twenty-eight (28) hours per work week. Part-time employees work throughout the year and not on a seasonal basis. Part-time employees may occasionally work additional hours based on staffing and business needs of the city. Part-time employees retain that status until expressly notified of a change. Part-time employees receive all legally mandated benefits (such as worker’s compensation and social security benefits), but they are not eligible for the City’s other benefit programs.   

City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Pay Plan

The purpose of the Pay Plan is:

To provide equal pay for positions of relative equal complexity and responsibility.

To provide salary ranges which are reasonably comparable to those paid by other governmental jurisdictions and private industry.

To provide orderly and consistent means of rewarding employees for good performance.

To simplify and facilitate payroll administration, budgeting, and other phases of financial and personnel administration.

The Pay Plan shall include schedules of standard salary ranges consisting of minimum and maximum rates of pay and intermediate steps for all classes of positions.

The City Manager shall be responsible for the development, review, and maintenance of the Pay Plan subject to the City Council approval of all changes in the Pay Plan and all adjustments of Position Titles within Pay Plan. Pay Plan salary ranges shall be linked directly to the titles of positions in the Classification Plan and shall be determined with due regard to the following factors:

The knowledge, skills, and ability required to satisfactorily perform the work.

The nature and degree of supervision received.

The nature of supervision exercised.

Any special working conditions related to the work.

Prior to the presentation of the annual budget and at other appropriate times, the City Manager shall make or cause to have made such comparative studies deemed necessary of the factors affecting the level of salary ranges. Based on information derived from such studies, the City Manager may recommend changes in the assignment of salary ranges to the Mayor and City Council for approval. In the case when a new salary range is assigned, an employee’s salary will normally be adjusted so that they have the same relative position within the new salary range as they had in the old.

LIBRARY Salary Studies/Comparisons & Recommended Changes

As part of the annual budgeting process, or whenever requested to do so by the City or Library Board, the Library Director may perform comparative studies of salary ranges for Library personnel, utilizing the State Library’s annual report statistics interface, and make appropriate suggestions to the Library Board for approval prior to the submission to City Council of the budget request.

City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Salary Increases

New employees after the first six-month probation period receive a review and a step increase (if satisfactory work). All regular employees will receive a salary increase at the start of the new fiscal year of July 1st. Reviews will be done for each employee throughout the year.

LIBRARY Annual Salary Increases

All Library employees will receive the same salary increase as other City employees at the start of the new fiscal year on July 1st unless the Library Board specifies otherwise. Reviews will be done for each employee throughout the year.

City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Compensation

Compensation for employment is based on performance. Rates are established by mutual agreement between the employee and City of Chariton City Council. Raises also, are based on performance, growth, productivity, and the local budget. All requests for salary increase and/or promotion will be fairly considered by supervisors and the City Manager. Employment is based on an as-needed basis. Employees may also participate in the Union Agreement.

LIBRARY Compensation

All Library employee requests for salary increase and/or promotion will be fairly considered by the Library Board, and are dependent on Director recommendation, employee performance, and the Library budget.


Work Schedule – Employee Hours 

City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Hours of Work

Due to the nature of their operations, many departments have different schedules, shifts, or special arrangements. Work schedules for these operations are determined by the respective department heads and approved by the City Manager.


LIBRARY Work Schedule Requirements

Library operations are determined by policy of the Chariton Free Public Library Board.  The Library is generally open 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday through Thursday, and 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday and Saturday.


City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Breaks

It is in the best interest of our employees and City of Chariton to provide a break from work several times throughout the workday. Typically, you will receive two refreshment breaks, one before and one after the meal break. Schedules may vary from employee to employee based on work schedule and from one department to another. It is the responsibility of your immediate supervisor to establish your break schedule.



Library Staff working a shift of at least 8 hours will be permitted to two (2) fifteen-minute breaks and one (1) thirty-minute meal break per shift.

Library Staff working a shift of at least 6 hours will be permitted one (1) thirty-minute meal break per shift.

Library Staff working a shift of at least 4 hours will be permitted one (1) fifteen-minute break per shift.


Work Schedule – Closings, Holidays, Leave of Absences


City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Emergency Closings

Periodic or temporary emergencies, such as severe weather or power failures, can temporarily disrupt operations, sometimes requiring the brief closing of City facilities. When such an emergency occurs during non-working hours, local radio and/or television stations will be asked to broadcast notification of the closing.

The City Manager shall decide when City facilities shall be officially closed.

When facilities are officially closed for temporary emergency conditions before the beginning of the workday, the time off from scheduled work will be paid to full-time employees affected by the facility closing.

The Library Director may allow Part-Time Library employees to make up time missed due to an emergency closing, provided that the time missed is made up within the same pay period and is documented.


City of Chariton Employee Handbook 2022 – Holidays Designated Days

The following shall be general holidays for employees in good standing entitled to paid holidays. Other employees shall work at regular rates of pay, if scheduled to work, or shall take leave without pay.

New Year’s Day (January 1)

Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

Fourth of July

Labor Day (1st Monday in September)

Veteran’s Day (November 11th)

Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November) Friday After Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

When Christmas falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday, in addition to the LEGAL holiday observance, the preceding workday shall also be observed as a holiday. When Christmas falls on Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, in addition to the LEGAL holiday observance, the following workday shall be also observed as a holiday.

If a holiday falls on Sunday, employees will be given a compensatory day off. If a holiday falls on an employee’s regularly scheduled day off, they shall be entitled to an additional day in compensation.

Part-time regular employees will not receive “holiday pay”


LIBRARY Holidays & Associated Designated Closed Days

Holiday Weekend Saturdays – The Library, unlike the City itself, is open Saturdays.  On “Holiday Weekends” the Library closes the Saturday prior to the Monday holiday.  The Library will also close the Saturday following Thanksgiving on the same principle.

Holiday Adjacent Saturdays – The Library will also close any Saturday adjacent to a Holiday during which the City is closed.  For example, when July 4th falls on a Monday, the Library will close Saturday July 2nd, if July 4th falls on a Friday, the Library will close Saturday July 5th.   If the Christmas Holidays or New Year’s fall on a Friday or Monday, the Library will close the adjacent Saturday. 

Full-Time Library employees may use vacation time or personal holidays to cover such Saturdays if the Saturday was part of their regular schedule, or may work a weekday not normally part of their regular schedule but falling within the same pay period to make up the lost hours.

New Year’s Day  

Memorial Day (Last Monday in May) & Saturday Prior to Memorial Day

Independence Day                                               

Labor Day (1st Monday in September) & Saturday Prior to Labor Day

Veteran’s Day (November 11th)

November - Thanksgiving Day & Friday After Thanksgiving & Saturday following Thanksgiving

December - Christmas Eve & Christmas Day


Two personal holidays

All full-time employees shall be granted two personal holidays. These holidays must be requested at least two (2) days in advance and must have the approval of the department supervisor. Preference regarding the personal holidays will be granted in accordance with departmental procedures.


LIBRARY Job Descriptions, Training and Designated Staff In-Service Days

Library Staff Job Descriptions – Attached

Library Staff Development/Training  

Library staff will be instructed and trained in Library procedures through one-on-one training provided by the Library Director and other Library Staff.  Additional professional development courses may be assigned by the Library Board.  Any fees or mileage will be reimbursed by the Library in such cases.  If Staff Members elect to pursue additional training of their own accord, application for fee and mileage reimbursement may be made to the Library Board. 

In addition, Library staff in-service days are scheduled to provide group training, discussion and work sessions.  On in-service days, the Library is closed.  In-service days generally begin at 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm, with the same refreshment and meal breaks as a regular 8-hour shift.             

February – President’s Day

April -- Good Friday         

June – Juneteenth                        

October – Columbus Day

Training includes staff-delivered content pertinent to our local Library operations, including hardware, software, emergency procedures, programming and library initiatives, as well as recorded webinars or visiting speakers available through the State Library of Iowa and various other library service support entities, such as the Iowa Library Association, American Library Association, OCLC Webjunction, Infopeople, etc.

Discussions cover day-to-day operations, procedures, policies, planning and staff responsibilities and cooperation, as well as library trends and opportunities to improve and expand services. 

All staff development and training hours are paid hours.


Chariton Free Public Library

Library Director Job Description

November 3, 2016

General Statement of Duties: 

Subject to the policies of the Board of Trustees, has administrative charge of the library and is directly responsible for all activities and programs of the Library.  This is a full-time (40 hours per week) salaried position.  This position may include weekend or evening duty.  Reports to Library Board of Trustees and City Manager.


Minimum Qualifications:

Certified as a Public Librarian by the State Library of Iowa or must attain certification within 2 years of employment.  Must also possess two years of college or 10 years of library experience. 


Job Responsibilities and Examples of Services Performed:

Supports Intellectual Freedom - the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction.

Carries out the policies of the Library as adopted by the Board. Recommends and drafts policies for Board consideration. Carries out directives of the Board.  Attends meetings as professional advisor to the Board. Participates in orientation of new trustees.

Knows federal, state, and local laws affecting the Library.   

Administration and management of Library budget.  Prepares and submits to Board a budget request based on present and anticipated needs. Maintains complete and accurate records of finances. Expends funds based on approved budget.

Supervises all Library personnel.  Duties include recruiting, hiring, training, supervising and scheduling all Library staff.  Performs annual evaluations of all Library staff based upon well-defined job descriptions and expectations. Suggests improvements needed in salaries, working conditions and personnel policy.  Coordinates Library volunteers.

Prepares monthly and annual reports.  Maintains Library accreditation with the State of Iowa. 

Supervises the maintenance of the Library facility and equipment.  Maintains documentation of facility, furniture and equipment for insurance purposes.  Has oversight of software on staff and patron machines.

Manages Library collections, including selecting all materials according to policies approved by the Board.  Has oversight of cataloging and automated library system.  Manages grant, donation, and memorial funds for collection purchases.

Has oversight of all Library programming, both in-house and off-site.  Has oversight of all use of the Library Multipurpose Room.

Assesses community needs and is responsible for long range planning.

Advocates for the Library through contacts with general public, civic organizations and public officials. Attends City Council and/or County Supervisor Meetings. Works to secure adequate funds to carry out the Library’s services. Communicates with various civic organizations.  Maintains an active public relations program.  Manages Library correspondence. 

Attends professional meetings and workshops.  Affiliates with state and national professional organizations.  Participates in continuing education activities and professional development; encourages continuing education for library staff.

Assists patrons. Performs all duties associated with all Library staff positions as needed. 

Cooperates as a team member with all Library staff in performing any professional or nonprofessional duty essential to the achievement of efficient Library operations.


Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Extensive knowledge of current trends in library service; ability to work with patrons of varied backgrounds; knowledge of library materials, including children’s and young adult materials; ability to supervise others and to work with all members of library staff.  Must be self-motivated and able to exercise initiative and independent judgment; ability to speak and write effectively.  Must have appropriate computer skills and capacity to learn and utilize new software.


Chariton Free Public Library

Assistant Library Director Job Description
April 28, 2022

General Statement of Duties:

Assists director in planning and directing the operations and activities of the Library within the policies, procedures and practices established by the Library Board.  Acts as director in director’s absence.  This position may be either full-time or part-time as determined by the Board, and may include weekend or evening duty.  Eligibility for benefits determined by personnel policies of the City of Chariton.


Job Responsibilities and Examples of Services Performed:

Supports Intellectual Freedom - the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction.

Manages and creates library public relations information to promote the Library and its services to the community.  Creates library information for city newsletter, newspapers, and all local and social media.  Creates displays, posters, brochures and flyers as needed to promote information literacy and Library programs, services, and activities.

Seeks partnerships with area agencies, businesses and organizations. Works with appropriate committees within the community through active involvement and marketing of the library.

Attends seminars, workshops and conferences to evaluate innovations in libraries that would improve library services. Attends civic meetings to speak on or discuss upcoming and ongoing events concerning the library.

Assists with evaluating library needs and formulating short and long range plans to meet them, including budget development and facilities planning.

Attends library board meetings, city council meetings and other city management meetings when these meetings pertain to Assistant Director duties or in absence of Library Director.

Supervises Library Clerks and Volunteers as needed.  Oversees circulation and reference services including the processing of overdue notices and fines, interlibrary loans and other lending programs, as well as physical maintenance of the collection.

Participates in collection development, inventory and weeding of the collection.

Manages scheduling and setup of Multipurpose Room for use other than Library programming events.

Coordinates and promotes in-house Library fundraising events. 

Performs all duties associated with Library Clerk position.  Performs other duties as assigned by Library Director.

Cooperates as a team member with all Library staff in performing any professional or nonprofessional duty essential to the achievement of efficient Library operations.


Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Knowledge of current trends in library service; ability to work with patrons of varied backgrounds; knowledge of library materials, including children’s and young adult materials; ability to supervise others and to work with all members of library staff.  Must be self-motivated and able to exercise initiative and independent judgment; ability to speak and write effectively.  Must have appropriate computer skills and capacity to learn and utilize new software.



Chariton Free Public Library

Children’s Program Librarian Job Description
April 28, 2022

Under general supervision of the Library Director and Assistant Director, this part-time position will include occasional weekend and evening duties.  No benefits are available for this position.

Job Responsibilities and Examples of Services Performed:

Supports Intellectual Freedom - the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction.

Creates a welcoming, engaging program environment that helps participants develop a lifelong relationship with the Library.

Offers programs that align with the Library’s goals and objectives, and with the identified interests and needs of the community. 

Stays abreast of emerging programming trends and connects with professional communities to seek and share ideas and best practices. 

Identifies program venues outside of the Library, and collaborates with other City staff and community groups to meet the literacy needs of target audiences.  Develops cooperative services and programs to extend and enhance Library programming services. 

Utilizes program planning documents to create, deliver and refine children’s programs offered by the Library.

Offers children’s program activities that foster cognitive stimulation and social involvement. 

Focuses on early literacy skills in delivery of children’s programs:

Print Motivation/Loving Books
Language & Vocabulary/Understanding Words
Phonological Awareness/Understanding Sounds
Letter Knowledge/Understanding Letters
Print Awareness/Using Books
Narrative Skills & Comprehension/Story Awareness
Parent/Caregiver Connection 


Conducts classroom tours of the Library and instructs students in using the Library.  Represents the Library in events offered by the Chariton Community School District and other local educational programs.

Understands the importance of engaging with patrons virtually.  Uses technology to translate traditional Library programs into the online medium.  Uses online tools to communicate with patrons.           

Evaluates children’s programs, using appropriate evaluation strategies (evaluation forms, surveys, input from frontline staff and other stakeholders, etc.), and uses the results to identify unaddressed needs and improve future program services. 

Requests purchases of content and materials necessary for children’s programming. Coordinates with Director on collection development efforts in support of programming.

Works with Assistant Director in the creation of programming promotional materials.  Works with Director on programming content for the Library’s website.

Maintains statistical children’s programming records and prepares a monthly report for the Library Director.

Performs all duties associated with Library Clerk position.  Performs other duties as assigned by Library Director.

Cooperates as a team member with all Library and City staff to achieve efficient Library operations.


Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:


Extensive knowledge of current trends in early literacy library programming; knowledge of program themes and materials; ability to work with children of varied backgrounds; ability to speak and write effectively.  Must be self-motivated and able to exercise initiative and independent judgment.  Must have appropriate computer skills and capacity to learn and utilize new software.



Chariton Free Public Library

Library Clerk Job Description
November 3, 2016

General Statement of Duties: 

Under general supervision of the Library Director and Assistant Director.   The Library Board may designate individual clerk positions as either full-time or part-time.  The position may include evenings and weekend duty.  Eligibility for benefits determined by personnel policies of the City of Chariton.


Job Responsibilities and Examples of Services Performed:


Supports Intellectual Freedom - the right of every individual to both seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction.

Assists patrons in using all library services & resources.

Answers reference questions.

Issues Patron cards and maintains patron records.

Checks items in and out.

Collects fines.

Totals library income each night.

Answers telephone.

Shelves all collection materials.

Notifies Patrons of Overdue, Missing or Damaged Items.

Takes Memorial Donation and Purchase Requests.

Catalogs and processes collection items.

Locates and processes items for interlibrary loan.

Prepares collection items for outreach programs.

Repairs collection items.

Performs other duties as assigned by Library Director and Assistant Director.

Cooperates as a team member with all library staff in performing any professional or nonprofessional duty essential to the achievement of efficient library operations.

Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

Ability to learn current trends in library service; ability to work with patrons of varied backgrounds; obtain knowledge of library materials, including children’s materials; ability to work with all members of library staff.  Must be able to exercise initiative and independent judgment; ability to speak and write effectively.  Must have appropriate computer skills and capacity to learn and utilize new software.